

  • Departments_01
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  • Departments_02

1 x Recorder 24 its 8 inputs

2 x Austria Audio Microphone

2 x AKG 414 Microphone

2 x 8 Microphone NT1

2 x Boundary Microphone

1 x Motu Interface AVB

1 x Motu Stagebox AVB 16 IN, 4 OUT

1 x Multitrack Recorder 

1 x Ipad 10 Controller

1 x Ipad 12 Controller

2 x Lan Stagebox: 50 m

1 x Multicore, 8 inputs, 10 m

1 x Multicore, 8 inputs, 50 m

3 x Multicore, 16 inputs, 25 m

2 x Genelec Monitoring

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Linda - USA

Whaaaa!!! Incredible good!!!!!

Peter - Germany

I will share with all my Facebook friends.

Melanie - Switzerland

What amazing website.

Music Star

Bloch-Bauer-Promenade 24/1/27
A-1100 Wien


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